Technical Information
Contact: Paul Dunning E: technicalwth@gmail.com
Technical Specification
Lighting Plan
Theatre Information
The following information is for person/s or groups using Westport Town Hall Theatre. It is in your interest to make sure everyone in your group or company are aware of the regulations that apply to everyone using the stage to avoid any misunderstanding.
Times and details of get in and fit up or any technical requirements must be advised to the Technical Supervisor minimum 2 weeks prior to your visit
Should you require lighting rig or stage/theatre plans or technical specifications contact the Technical Supervisor at the theatre.
On arrival at the theatre you should use the public entrance via front door and inform the Box Office staff of your arrival.
If you are going to be late or held up for any reason, please contact the theatre and let us know. Telephone No. (098) 28459
Westport Town Hall Theatre is a Non-Smoking building. This regulation is strictly enforced.
Food, Drinks or Liquids of any kind are not to be taken to or consumed in the Control Room, On Stage or Back Stage Areas. Again the only exemption is when it constitutes part of a legitimate performance. The only areas exempt from this regulation are The Green Room and Dressing Rooms.
Any company or act intending to use naked flames/pyrotechnics on stage should notify the Technical Supervisor prior to arrival and subsequent performance. A person familiar in the use of Fire Extinguishers must be present at the time of use. Fire Extinguishers are situated in the scene dock on stage right. The same regulations apply to the use of flammable liquids and In some cases, i.e. straw/hay permission will not be granted.
The painting of sets and scenery should be completed prior to arrival at the theatre, by prior arrangement some painting may be allowed in the scene dock.
Sets or flats must not be spiked, nailed or screwed to the stage floor. The use of staples of any kind is also prohibited and if you intend to use double sided tape, it must not to be put directly on to the stage floor. Contact the Technical Supervisor for advice or clarification.
All lanterns in use at the Theatre have a safety bond fitted, they also are complete with a colour frame. It is in your interest to check this. Any colour frame or safety bond missing when you leave will be charged to your company. Any lantern brought into the theatre for use on stage must be complete with safety chain and be within the P.A.T. Wiring and Electrical Appliance regulations. This also applies to any portable equipment used in the theatre, i.e. Smoke Machines, P.A. equipment, lanterns and any other portable electrical equipment.
All flats, scenery, drapes, costumes and props etc. must be fireproofed prior to use at the theatre, advice is available from the Technical Supervisor.
The use of aerosol paint sprays must not be used anywhere inside the theatre buildings.
Access to the stage is either from the car park which is up a flight of steps or from the street at stage level. Please note in order to facilitate the on-street entrance you must inform the venue in advance in order to reserve a parking space.